Adjusts the amount of amplitude or attenuation the Dynamic EQ effect uses. Boosting a Low Cut Filter while reducing the feedback setting is identical to reducing a High Cut Filter and increasing the feedback setting. However, you can create interesting effects by entering positive values. It is then mixed into Delay Offset an earlier point in the delay line, which causes echoing. If you enter a value that exceeds the dimensions of the room, Adobe Audition uses the greatest possible value based on the dimensions. Page The distance between the source and the walls affects which frequencies are enhanced and is crucial to the overall ambient effect. Page The number of echoes is adjustable up to, Keep in mind that the more echoes you include, the more time Adobe Audition needs to process the effect.

Original and Delayed Inverts the delayed signal, causing the waves to cancel out periodically, instead of reinforcing the signal.

milliseconds or more create discrete echoes, while those between milliseconds can create a simple chorus or flanging effect. To access familiar options from hardware delays, use the Echo effect in Adobe Audition. Page Delay And Echo Effects When reverb or chorus might muddy the mix, both delays and echoes are a great way to add ambience to a track. To compress only extreme peaks and retain more dynamic range, try thresholds around 5 dB below the peak input level If desired, you can apply that command to only one file. The best Threshold sliders setting depends on audio content and musical style.