He was designed in 194 and did his first flight during the same year. The LeO H-43 is an observation aircraft who can carry some bombs. de l'Air/Appareils/Reconnaissance/Potez-390-391/Potez-390.htm Armament: 1× 7.7 mm (0.303 in) Vickers machine gun in front for the pilot, 2 (or 1 ?)× 7.7 mm (0.303 in) Vickers machine gun for the gunner. E ng ine: 1 Lorraine « Pétrel » type Hars, probably of 520 hp (depends of some sources, but the speed is the same) In term of performances, we can compare it to the Hs 123, and he has worse performances, so 1.0 is a good BR. A first one was built by Perou and the other by URSS, the last one stay in France. Only one prototype of each version was built, so it does 3 prototypes (one for the Potez 393) of floatplanes. The Potez 391 bis and 392 weren't built in series.

#Bv 238 war thunder service ceiling series
The Potez 390 were built in series and used During Battle of france, even if it knows only one or two fights. It is an all metal aircraft and it looks like a He 51. The Potez 391 was initaially a landplane. I am going to present each plane with a small description concerning their developpement, their history and why I choose this Br (because I studied it). To give you an idea of the tech tree, I did it with, when it was possible, drawings of them in colour. I want to do a branch and no just present a plane because it is to play with what we wants (big or small aircrafts), in differents battle rating (1.0 to 5.3 in floatplanes and 8.0 in Aéronavale), and this can be suitable for the other players. So we can also put them in parties with submarines and it can do something very attractive, original, and it can shown that we think to the others. But French floatplanes fight against them during second wold war. If there are add in the game the submarines, I think the first branch of submarines is going to be in German or Amercian. Put a branch in the tech tree for them is a good way to thank them and the other players who love this : " Look what France have done Before". Moreover, France built lots of flying boats and floatplnes who are well known.

Next to all of this ideas, there is no other games who use this type of gameplay/ this type of aircrafts or tech tree and it can be the first with this type, it can bring maybe a lot of players who wants to play historical aircrafts who exists only on model. I choose this type of aircrafts because of what I said just of the top but also because it is a special type of aircrafts : it can be a good gameplay and different of what there are on War Thunder because of heir torpedoes, their ways to land. It can add something attractive to the French tech tree. Moreover, most of this aircrafts really flowns and was really in service, they did some missions. I choose France because they did a lot of floatplanes who are carrying bombs and who were armed to defend themselves. In this people, most of them wants more flying boats to play it in battle because they are fun and special to play. I want to present this idea because lot of people on War Thunder plays this type of aircrafts (there are lots of people plays PB4Y or BV 238 for example). We can talk of this with a reflective moment and you can bring some modifications or not to the idea. We can add some aircrafts with different versions and differents cracteristics. All of the aircrafts really exists and it is to play them in battle. We can have a serie in the branch (like PBY for Americans or H6K for japaneese) for different aircrafts. And next to this, We can add a new premium aircraft like in the other countries. Inside this branch, there are only French aircrafts of different tiers and different Battle Rating (1.0 to 8.0 maybe). It can also be aircrafts with a new type of gameplay in battles. This is gonna be a new branch for people who like/love floatplanes and very big flying boats. I explain my idea : I want to do a French tech tree only for floatplanes and flying boats, bombers. Hello, I write this post to suggest a new tech tree in France for floatplanes.